
New Customers can reach out to us at 877-443-3524 to ask about our promotional pricing discount for Heel-A-Hip® products.
Purchase Orders can be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 877-443-3567

Heel-A-Hip® can also be purchased through the following distributors:

Euro American Products
Concordance Healthcare SolutionsOrder Heel-A-Hip on GSA Advantage

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For existing customers, please fill out a product evaluation form and email it to [email protected]

Product - BlueStandard Model

Other Departments

Heel-A-Hip also provides benefits for other deparmtents:

  • Orthopedist
  • Podiatrist
  • Nursing
  • WOCNs – experts in managing pressure injuries, WONCNs have repaeatedly requested Heel-A-Hip in their facilities as a solution to heel ulcers
  • National Association of Orthopedic Nurses
  • Risk Managers and Legal Nurses
  • Physical Rehabilitation
  • Physiatrist, Physical Therapists, Rehabilitation Nurses